Hello, Pip. That's short for Tikki tikki tembo-no sa rembo-chari bari ruchi-pip peri pembo.

There were so many cats at the shelter. We were there a week before and I was overwhelmed. How do I decide which one to rescue when they all needed rescuing? The older cats that meowed at us as we passed by their cages tugged at my heart, but I wanted to get a kitten because I thought Lola would feel less threatened by a younger cat. On our second visit, Allan spotted this little tuxedo kitten. Out of all the kittens, he was the only one that purred and rubbed himself along his cage to get our attention. He was named Lightning at the time and he's 3 months old. We waited a long time to fill out the adoption papers and all the while he slept so soundly in Allan's arms.

We kept him in Mia's room at first. I didn't heed the advice to keep the new cat separated for two weeks. I was too eager to see what Lola's reaction to him would be. She's seen other cats, feral ones that pass through our backyard, but never one up close and personal. She walked into the room ever so slowly and my hopes of a fast friendship were dashed when she began to hiss and growl at him. Deep, low growls. I've never heard those sounds from Lola. Ever. And it scared me a little that my sweet kitty could do that.
On the second day I kept them apart for most of the time. I supervised them when they were together and it wasn't any better. Pip would try to come close to her and Lola would have nothing to do with him.
But then it took a turn for the worse. Pip was a rambunctious kitten and was use to being around other cats while Lola was likely feeling threatened. She was set on establishing her dominance. For two days, I was a stressed-out mess. They fought so often. I was scared for Pip but Allan said that if Lola had really wanted to hurt him then she would have already. Pip gave as good as he got. It was a cat thing that I couldn't go between although it killed me to just let it happen. Lola ignored me and I was so sorry for bringing such a change on her.

Here they were seemingly fine.

A minute later, combat begins.

And on the fourth day, they tussled still but only a little. I went upstairs to look for them and I found this sweet scene.

And the day after...
i just heart you so. sigh. and your stories and how you tell them. and they are so sweet together and mia looks so happy :) hehe.
but. DUDE! you know that story? i'm crying a little inside at the pure genius of this name. about a few months ago (i can't remember why this came up), i asked the G if he heard that story or read it as a kid. he said no. so, i tried as best i could to tell him the story from memory and would say Tikki tikki tembo-no sa rembo chari bari ruchi pip peri pembo, like 25 times. hahahahahaha. he was like, you have to find the book so i told him i'm sure they still have it somewhere, maybe online or something.
anyway, you get the BEST cat name ever award! Genius, mG! love it.
Pip is a cutie! Your story of Lola & Pip getting use to each other warmed my heart. It's so touching how they didn't like each other and now their buddies.
Mia your hair is so adorable! Miss you guys!
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