Thursday, June 11, 2009


Carlsbad Flower Fields, 4.2009

I miss the sun. Just a little bit. It's such strange weather we're having, but I do hope it stays this way 'til next weekend.

I was missing the way Lola used to be before Pip came into our lives: the way she'd announce herself with a short "Rrr" before coming into my bedroom, her sleeping form at the foot of the bed, her purrs, her kneading. All of that was gone last week. It was only a few days ago that she started sleeping on my bed again and she's actually OK now if Pip is there too.

She fell asleep with Mia and me last night, but must have went away sometime later. Then she came back early morning when Allan came into the room and she followed him in. I heard her meow a little and she jumped on the bed. She walked on top of me like she used to and kneaded on my hips. She's slowly coming around and it makes me happy.

Baby Lola, 7.22.05

She Grew Up Pretty, 4.10.08

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